One Week!!!!

YEA, we finished our first week since we opened our doors! We much appreciate everyone who has visited our store. I'm so excited and continue to thank God daily for the opportunity he has given me to share his word and help to inspire others.

This last week, we have been working hard on the social media integrations and are now on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest so check us out there under Shades of Divine. You can also now purchase directly on Facebook & Pinterest.  We will be posting, tweeting and blogging on a regular basis with info and glimpses of exciting things to come. All this social communication is a little new to me so I ask for your patience as I learn and grow in my knowledge of all the social media lingo lol :-)

I've also been hard at work on some new products we will be introducing soon. Currently, the designs on our products are in-house designs but we will be incorporating some pre-designed items and labels I'm sure you all will know. I'm looking forward to launching those soon.

Another area we've been working on is our Give Back Program.  Specifics like the community / charity we will be selecting, the time-frame in which each will stay in place and the details of the program. We have decided we will run our give-back program on a quarterly basis beginning in April. We will be announcing and doing a spotlight on the selected charity for 2nd Quarter by end of March. We will also announce more details of how our Give Back program will work including how you can get more involved so stay tuned....!

Sign up and join our email list and newsletter distro's so that you get the most up to date info! Also if you have any feedback on our store, or any other feedback we would love to hear from you so go ahead and add your comments! And don't forget to check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest!!!!

Until next time, Happy Shopping!


Shades of Divine

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